Ascendance - Devlog 7

Hey! ❤ We've made some nice progress in the past two weeks.

The bonds, character traits, and knowledge menus are now fully integrated into chapters one-four.

While doing that, I also reviewed, edited, and added several choices.

I'm now even more aware that my writing needs to improve in many ways, but practice makes perfect, right?... Right? 🤣

In case you're curious, by "edited", I mean this:

This choice used to be simply "Drink it" or "Don't drink it" (lol, I know), but now you can probably tell easier what the game understands about your MC when you pick one of the options.

And here's a preview of an added choice:

This only shows up if you don't drink the liquid at first, and it evaluates a different aspect of your personality this time around.

I also made two small adjustments regarding audio settings:

  • Music and sfx will now stop when the game tab/app is inactive and come back when it's active, as suggested by a friend. This would've been very easy to do if I'd just straight up consulted the Twine documentation instead of trying to find an easy way out on google. One more lesson learned!
  • The music theme now starts on the character creation passage. I put a small button for you to test your volume in the cover passage, in peace, as suggested by a v cute fellow dev!

What I'm doing now is changing a handful of scenes from The Protectors' script for chapters five to seven. My god, it's been a lot more work than I remembered, but we're moving at a good pace!

I will pause dev work for a week to use the small remainder of my break to be around family and friends.

But, before I go, I'd like to thank each of you for your reviews, sweet messages, and good laughs!

Take care of yourselves and, if possible, spend time with someone you love as well! We often forget, but life is too short, and meeting up with them in other lives can take a while (✿◡‿◡)


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